The art of making it work

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“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out”– John Wooden

It was my best friend’s wedding. I had it all planned, starting from what I was going to wear to the colour of my eyes and lips for each outfit. However destiny had it planned otherwise. I left my makeup bag at home, and I ended up wearing the same bright pink lipstick for all of her occasions. And when it came to the eyes, I was left with nothing but my eyes.

I wasn’t the happiest the moment I realised all I had was that one shade of lipstick. But then after sometime, I realised the very same me who had it all planned have the ability to find a solution, and re-plan things in a different way. I changed the method of application for each occasion and the same shade looked quite different on me each time.

In short, I made it work.

While painting, when I do not have the paint in a colour that I need, I blend a few shades together and create the one I’m looking for. The amount of satisfaction I get to feel every time I create my own colour is indescribable.

In short, I make it work.

What if I had kept blaming myself for forgetting the one bag that was really important to me for the wedding? What if I keep leaving my paintbrushes untouched all for one damn colour?


Not everything in life goes as planned. That’s okay. But what isn’t okay is being so glued to the idea of that plan and not allowing yourself to redesign your plan in a different way, for you to still make it work.



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